RISC-V Instruction Length

Excluding the compact instruction set, the standard instructions in RISC-V are all 32 bits. Regardless, RISC-V leaves open the possibility of longer instructions. This is encoded with specific bits in instructions [1].

If \(x\) is the binary encoding of an instruction in RISC-V, then if

  • \(x \land 11_2 \neq 11_2\), then it is 16 bits.

  • \(x \land 11_2 = 11_2\) and \(x \land 11100_2 \neq 11100_2\), then it is 32 bits.

  • \(x \land 111111_2 = 011111_2\), then it is 48 bits.

  • \(x \land 1111111_2 = 0111111_2\), then it is 64 bits.

  • \(x \land 1111111_2 = 1111111_2\), \(x \land (111_2 \times 2^{12}) = n\), and \(n \neq 111_2\), then it is \((80+16n)\) bits.

  • \(x \land 1111111_2 = 1111111_2\) and \(x \land (111_2 \times 2^{12}) = 111_2 \times 2^{12}\), then it will be 192 bits or longer.

    The specifics of encoding the length of instructions that are longer than 192 bits have yet to be specified.

See also


Andrew Waterman and Krste Asanović (Eds.). 2019. The RISC-V instruction set manual, volume I: User-level ISA, document version 20191213. RISC-V Foundation. Document Version 20191213